When you inspect your HVAC system, check for condensation, or moisture, around ductwork. Occasional drip is normal and commonly isn't an issue. However, constant dripping causes paddles around the ducts, which could lead to mold growth and structural damage, so it is essential to fix this as quickly as possible. Fix condensation around ductwork by following these tips.
Check Temperature
To fix condensation on ducts, gather:
work gloves step-ladder flashlight thermometer Phillips screwdriver (optional) metallic foil tape (optional) caulk (optional) paintbrush (optional) insulation Temperature differences between the exterior temperature and ducts commonly cause moisture Check the thermometer, or hold one in the room if one is not already installed.
Winter weather might be trying to hand on for dear life, but eventually, the warm days of summer are going to kick in. When they do, you'll want to be ready. You'll want to make sure that you can turn your air conditioner on as soon as the temperatures get even a little bit uncomfortable. If you haven't scheduled a service appointment with your HVAC company, you need to do that as soon as possible.
It's nearly spring, but it may not really feel like it outside just yet. This is the perfect time to get your air conditioner in shape for the upcoming warm weather that will be here before you know it. Read on for tips to get your air conditioner in top shape this spring.
Clean It Out
If your air conditioner is covered, remove the tarp or air conditioner cover. Then open up the lid to the air conditioner.